【同义词辨析】 2017-09-07 标准standard-criterion
standard: applies to any authoritative rule, principle, or measure by which the qualities, worth, or nature of something can be measured: the book is a classic by any ~.
criterion: may apply to anything used as a test of quality whether formulated as a rule or principle or not: in art there are no hard-and-fast ~ria. measure衡量: 得出大小长短等量度,目的是定量; test测试: 判断是否合格达标等性质,目的是定性 hard-and-fast一成不变的、严格实施的,一般和rule联用
gauge: applies to a means of testing a particular dimension such as thickness, depth, or diameter, or a particular quality or aspect: congressional mail is not always an accurate ~ of public opinion. gauge还表示测量仪器an instrument for measuring,如a fuel/petrol/temperature gauge燃料表/汽油量表/温度计,引申为用于估计或判断的事实依据尺度标准
yardstick: is an informal substitue for standard or criterion that suggests quantity more than quality: the movie was a flop by most ~. yardstick本义是码尺、准绳,一种扁长的尺子,引申为衡量标准 yard码=3 feet三英尺 flop 1、猛地落下或坐下 2、彻底失败惨败
touchstone: suggests a simple test of the authenticity or value of something intangible: fine service is one ~ of a first-class restaurant.
standard标准: 任何用于衡量(mesure)质量价值本性的规则原则量度,criterion也是标准: 泛指检验(test)质量,无论是否像standard一样形成规则原则,gauge标准尺度: 测量特定维度或属性,yardstick标准尺度、码尺: 非正式,可替换standard和criterion,多用于衡量数量而非质量,touchstone试金石: 针对抽象(intangible无形不可触摸)事物的简单测试
记忆方法: 1) 首字母SCGYT排序为SCYGT时常有沟通<==(关系、友谊等)诚挚的标准
2) 标准的意思是确定事物优劣的方法mean a means of determining what a thing should be.首字母SCGYT排序为SCYGT时常有沟通<==(关系、友谊等)诚挚的标准